The Elements of a Good Website Design

Website Design is the first step towards creating brand awareness and generating leads for your business. Most of the users prefer websites having neat and clean structure with easy to read content. If it were not so, they will quickly move onto the other websites. This may adversely affect the user-experience resulting into very low conversion rates hence the decrease in sales.

Apart from keeping your website simple and clean, there are various other factors that might result into your website’s increased performance. Let’s have a glance over them one by one.

(1) Make the Web Design Lighter

The lower the time your website takes for loading, the better will be the user experience. Today, people stay on your website when it is fully optimized for speed. Slow loading speed makes a negative impact on visitors mind and they’ll probably never return.

Here are few tips that will help in optimizing your website’s loading speed:

  • Use compression tools or plugins for optimizing images and other files
  • Reduce your website’s HTTP requests with Chrome DevTools
  • Enable text compression
  • Avoid multiple page redirects
  • Reduce JavaScript execution time
  • Avoid enormous network payloads
  • Minify CSS & JavaScript
  • Use Video formats for animated content
  • Ensure text remains visible during Webfont load
  • Minimize Critical Requests Depth
  • Reduce Server Response Time(TTFB)

(2) Choose Colors that are Pleasant to Eyes

Choosing appropriate color schemes becomes important for your business because they help in building brand identity. Now the point is how many colors you should choose & incorporate into your website.

The world’s biggest and famous organizations use only two or three color combinations for creating elements such as homepages, landing pages blogs and other pages. Incorporating too many colors in your design will be very distracting, using two or three colors will be pleasant to eyes and help in attaining visitor’s attention. So it highly recommended to use minimal but effective colors to grasp visitors focus and let them stay on your website for a longer period of time.

(3) Plan an Effective Navigation Structure for Your Website

A navigation structure determines how you are going to guide visitors through your content (images, videos, text, etc.) on your website. Now prioritizing your content according to visitor’s frame of mind for an effective navigation flow is of mere importance.

You should place the material which users search the most in the menu options, then to submenus or through the links within the pages in order to make most prior material easily accessible to the visitor. This will enhance the user experience and decreases the bounce rate.

(4) Use White Space Effectively to Draw More Attention

Whitespace is one of the most overlooked elements of website design. It is often treated as an empty space between the elements that should not be left unused. Even, many of good website designers and developers don’t really know the significance of whitespace in the design.

First, let us clear what whitespace really mean? Well, whitespace is simply the portion of a web page that is unfilled or left empty. It may be the space between margins, columns, gutters, graphics, lines of type, etc. It basically provides a soothing effect to the eyes by eliminating distraction to the overly crowded content on the website.

By incorporating proper whitespace inside your design improves readability, drives visitor attention and transform the whole design into an extremely eye-catching design. The visitor will find it very easy to read all the content and will generate more interest towards other material on your website.

(5) Use Relevant Calls-To-Action

It doesn’t matter if your website has an appealing look, contains SEO rich content, fully optimized for speed and has a proper navigation structure unless you haven’t embedded relevant Calls-To-Action (CTA’s) into optimal sections(sidebars, end of posts, resource page etc.) on your website.

You can convert visitors into leads only by incorporating CTA’s throughout your website. This is what every business aim for through a website. So, using relevant Call-To-Actions is one of the important elements of a website that generate leads & sales for your business.

On a final note, append these five elements to your website design, you will surely going to stand out of the crowd. There will be an enhanced user experience and increment in the lead generation.



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