Imagine you are working with a web developer and everything’s going well. A little this a little that but there are a lot of terms that they use while talking and you just don’t know what it is, so you just nod. You might as well want to look it up on internet but it’s hard to remember those difficult words, right? And with changing trends everyday it might be difficult.

Well, even if you are a person who belongs to a non-technical background, here are some commonly used words, phrases and acronyms by the web developers:

  1. 404-

    The link you are looking for is either dead or broken and hence cannot be displayed.

  2. API-

    “Application Program Interface.” How computers and applications communicate with one another.

  3. AdWords-

    A method of advertising based on ‘pay per click’ on Google by paying for clicks on specific “ad words.”

  4. Algorithm-

    In SEO is means a protocol that determines the order by which web pages will be ranked in search results by mathematical calculation.

  5. Analytics or Google Analytics-

    It helps owners track the activity on the website, statistics like visitor’s information, source, keywords used etc.

  6. AJAX-

    It stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is used for creating dynamicweb applications. It simply means a javascript request that pulls data from a server and updates the DOM upon reply.

  7. Anchor test-

    The text that sits on top of any link is called anchor text. It is called anchor because it sits inside the <a></a>tags. It is very important concept in SEO too. A very common example is click here. The words click here is anchor text, upon clicking these words a user is directed to another website.

  8. Back End-

    The side of your website that is invisible to visitors; it is where content is managed.

  9. Backlink Backlinks-

    It has a huge impact on your site’s ranking as it the links from other sites back to your own

  10. Bandwidth-

    It measures the speed of data transfer between computers and is measured in Kbps

  11. Blogs-

    It is a form of web page which stores short stories, journals, information by “bloggers” it is used to communicate information of different types.

  1. Bounce Rate-

    When a user leave site from same page he entered, without any intervention, that’s when it is considered a bounce rate. The user bounces off rather than diving in.

  2. Cache-

    It is the space on your computer where all the web pages you have visited is shown in the form of copy. It also means information stored in the memory and is faster to retrieve than a database or file system.

  3. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)-

    It enables you to control how information is presented in the form of colors, designs, borders and so on.

  4. Click-Through Rate-

    When a user visits a web page by using a hypertext, this is called click-through. The percentage of visitors that saw your website and also clicked is called click through rate.

  5. Content Management System (CMS)-

    It helps the owner to create, modify or even remove information from web who has little knowledge of web designing.

  6. Conversion –

    When a visitor of the website buys goods and services, he becomes customer. So, the relationship between the visitors and actions is the conversion rate.

  7. Cookie

    It is a piece of code that stores information to personalize the site on the return of the user. It is saved to the hard drive of the visitor. It can be blocked by the user through settings.

  8. Domain Name-

    A unique name that identifies a site on the internet.

  9. Encryption-

    When information is secured which is transmitted across non-secure sites, it is called encryption. It is generally important while making online transactions.

  10. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)-

    It is a common way of uploading and downloading files over the internet.

  11. Bug-

    An error or flaw in the website or app that keeps it from running as expected.

  12. GUI-

    GUI stands for graphical user interface, it is an image of how a website is going to interact, its layout

  13. Page Template-

    It checks the layout for a website pages. The pages that have similar structures share the same template

  14. Plugin-

    Modules or software that can be plugged in to a system for added functionality or features.

  15. Ranking-  

    Ranking is the position at which a website appears on a results page of search engine.

  16. Front End-

    The side of your website that is visible to users.

  17. Graphic Interchange Format (GIF)-

    it is a format of compressed graphic files bundled together to make it appear as a video, which allows it to transmit quickly over the internet.

  18. Hyperlink-

    It is a link from one web page to another, either on the same site or another one. This text or images are highlighted in different ways usually by underlining to make it stand out as links to hypertext.

  19. Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)-

    A computer language used in creation of web pages that are readable by a web browser. Different “tags” are used to define the display of images and text.

  20. Intranet-

    It is like an internet, it is a collection of computers connected into a network. However, its access is restricted to specific computers, often used by companies for privacy reasons.

  21. IP Address-

    It stands for internet protocol address. When you use internet on computer a special number is assigned which allows data transfer.

  22. JPG or JPEG-

    It stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group. Often used because of its small size, it is compressed graphic file design.

  23. Keyword-

    It is a word or phrase when typed into a search engine locate web sites that have relevant content.

  24. Universal Resource Locator (URL)- 

    Universal Resource Locator (URL) is the specific address for a website on the internet. In order to visit specific websites, URLs are entered in web browsers.

  25. Website Designer- 

    Website Designer is a person who designs web pages or web sites.

  26. Social Media Marketing (SMM)-

    Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a tool used of social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) it enables the delivering ofmessages to create relationships with customers, as well as to drive traffic to websites.

  27. Server-

    Server is a computer on a network that shares information, emails or web pages with other computers that are available on the network.

  28. Portable Document Format (PDF)- 

    Portable Document Format (PDF) is a “device independent” file format developed by Adobe that allows document to be distributed with its original formatting regardless of the device on which its viewed or printed.

  29. Responsive design- 

    Responsive Design allows a website to look good by fitting in any device of any size.

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