Ecommerce Website Packages

  • Basic

    Rs 45,000

    Starter Plan

    Designs choose from large group of templates
    Shopping cart facility customised in the design of templates you chose
    Shopping cart facility customised in the design of templates you chose
    Integration Payment Gateway (1 Payment Gateway)
    English Language Integration
    CMS pages
    Easy-to-use content management system
    Fully responsive desktop/mobile (responsive) design
    Shopping Cart: Secure, safe, and designed for easy checkout
    Site Manager: Manage your site’s products, photos, and page content
    Order Manager: Track payments, packing, receipts, and shipping
    1 Year Free Hosting, 24×7 Support Services Available for 1 Year
    SEO Friendly: Built in tools to help you get great search engine listings
    Free Tech Support: Live, friendly representative to answer your questions
    Easy and Intuitive: So easy you may not need support!
    1 Month FREE Maintenance Support
  • Corporate Plan

    Rs 75,000

    Starters looking for a formidable Portal

    Custom Layout web site design as per your Choice and colour schemes ( 2 Layout options to choose)
    Up to 100 products added for you (further products can be added through your control panel)
    Shopping cart customised in the design/theme of your site
    Integration Payment Gateway (2 Payment Gateway)
    Up to 3 languages Integration from choices of upo 20 languages
    Full set of content pages, including services, portfolio, and blog Integration
    Easy-to-use content management system
    Fully responsive desktop/mobile design
    Shopping Cart: Secure, safe, and designed for easy checkout
    Site Manager: Manage your site’s products, photos, and page content
    Order Manager: Track payments, packing, receipts, and shipping
    1 Year Free Hosting, 24×7 Support Services Available for 1 Year
    SEO Friendly website development
    Dedicated Account Manager to solve all your queries
    Comprehensive Admin Panel for Updates
    3 Month FREE Maintenance Support
  • Gold

    Rs 125,000

    Starters looking for a brochure website

    Custom Layout web site design as per your Choice and colour schemes ( 2 Layout options to choose)
    Up to 250 products added for you (further products can be added through your control panel)
    Shopping cart customised in the design/theme of your site
    Integration Payment Gateway (3 Payment Gateway)
    Full set of content pages, including services, portfolio, and blog Integration
    Easy-to-use content management system
    Fully responsive desktop/mobile design
    Shopping Cart: Secure, safe, and designed for easy checkout
    Site Manager: Manage your site’s products, photos, and page content
    Order Manager: Track payments, packing, receipts, and shipping
    1 Year Free Hosting, 24×7 Support Services Available for 1 Year
    SEO Friendly website development
    Free Tech Support: Live, friendly representative to answer your questions
    Dedicated Account Manager to solve all your queries
    Tell a Friend
    Social Media Logins
    Facebook commenting System Integration on product detail page
    Request a custom message form on product detail page
    HTML Site Map Development
    Deals and Offer page design and development
    6 Month Free Maintenance support
    Google Business Listing Submission
    Google Analytic Integration
    Google Webmaster Integration
    Dynamic Admin/Control Panel Features
    Manage Other CMS Pages Content
    Manage Home Page Content
    Manage Contact Information
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