How to choose keywords for your website?

  • Think big, start small.

Everything in this universe, which is enormous today, once started at small scale, even our universe started with an atom and not as humongous gathering of nine planets and innumerable amount of galaxies, so start with finding keywords which has little or no competition and usage in the internet world. Start with low competition backlinks and keywords and raise your level as if ascending stairs, no competition to low competition to moderate competition to advanced moderate competition to high competition.

  • Identifying the right keyword for your website.

For instance, if you own an online pullover store, you need to ask – which keyword from leather jacket or denim jacket is bringing you more potential customers and for this you need to know the trends and wind flow of the online market. To understand the value of a certain keyword, you need to rectify your own website’s trend by doing manual tests.

  • Less is more

Focus on keyword density of your website, which is identified by how many times a certain keyword is repeated in the text of your website. The ideal density of keyword is 2.5% to 3% , i.e. you can repeat a certain keyword, 2 to 3 times  every 100 words.


  • Target audience is human race and not search engines.

Remember the sole purposeis to write for mankind and not just for ranking in search engines. Your content should be naturally fluent with keywords making their appearance every now and then to make it comfortable for the reader to read your text. Make it look natural and flowy.


  • Write it down, to get it done.

You’ll need to make a list oftopics for your website which reflects the services you offer, you should be assured that those will attract the customers if they search for it.If you offer online HR consultancy, your topic bucket list might look like –jobs in Delhi, computer based job, genuine jobs, job-work from home, etcetera.


  • Change your topic bucket list to keywords.

For this, you’ll have to find the keywords that fall into the topics that you decided. These keywords will be according to their importance in SEO and search engine rank pages because your targeted (potential) customer might be searching for this.

  • Make your life easy.

A smart way to get best idea of keywords would be to find certain keywords your website is being searched for. For this you may need analytical software, tools and webmasters like Google Analytics, Google Keyword Planner, Google Page Speed Insight, Bing Webmaster tools and so on and so forth.

  • Make a cocktail of Head Terms and Long Tails.

Everybody likes balance, like everyone, search engines like balance too, so make sure your keywords contain well balanced Head Terms and Long Tails, example given, if you write something about blogging, then you may use 2 keywords –blogging (head term) how to start blog for beginners (long tail). Remember only 30% of  internet traffic rotates around head terms and the rest 70% rotates around long tails. Long tails offer quick wins and low prizes whereas head terms are harder to get, harder to win but more rewarding than long tails. Make sure you have a healthy mixture of head terms and long tails.

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