Technology Advancement Brought a Big Change in Web Development

The process of web development is a difficult and time-consuming task which revolves around the creation of a website from scratch as well as maintaining the website. But over the time this task has been made much easier because of the technological advancements in the area of website development. Web development is one of the very few industries that has gone through some significant changes over the period of 5 to 10 years. Over the years the process of web development has made huge changes say it in the introduction of new languages or the invention of new tools, technology has made the work of a web developer easier than before.

As a website development company in gurgaon need to have proper knowledge of different types of tools that are required for the process. Some of the important and essential tools that have been used and discovered over the years are-

Essential Tools for Website Development

  • Sublime Text

  • jQuery

  • Chrome Developer Tools

  • GitHub

  • Twitter Bootstrap

  • js

  • Sass

All these different tools have been developed over the year for the betterment of web developers which has shown that technology has made advancements for the process of Web Development.

Talking about one of the latest developments in the field of web development is the interactive web applications. An interactive web application is a design for a website which uses other inbuilt software, modules or features aimed at creating an environment for a website or web application user to be actively engaged during the visit, or use as the case may be, thereby improving his or her user experience (UX). This leads to increase the response time for a website due to the interaction with it, which became the problem and to fix this a technique called AJAX technique has been developed. AJAX technique helped in a way that the data transfer process would take place behind the scenes where the complete loading of the website is avoided. This therefore does not affect the speed of the website.

From 1990 when HTML was born and a plain website was created to now in 2019 where the web design has become so attractive, technology has made the whole process of web development and website design process much more creative and faster.

There are certain web trends that have become possible due to the technological advancements over the years. Some of these web trends are-

Improved Online Support

If you get connectivity with the website 24/7 it makes it much more interesting than a simple website. The introduction of Chatbots that connects the users with the website help in actively answering to different queries for the users. Chatbots have increased the expectations for a website.

Motion User Interface

The motion user interface provides you with a high degree of customization which allows a developer to make a highly functional website. It has changed how a website interacts with a user over time.

Progressive Web Apps

These are web applications which appear like a mobile application but actually are websites. These can be built with less cost and is highly functional as original websites.

  • Phasing out Flash

  • Push Notifications with the following website and many more

All these trends have been evolved over the year and have been engaging new and already existing users. Technological advancements have lead web development to new inventions and trends.

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