• Ways to remove bad reviews from Google Business.

While hosting a service based business website, reviews on Google cannot be looked over, Google being the whistle-blower of consumer-merchandiser interaction on a grass root level basis.

  1. Check if the review is palpable, and if it fails to be palpable and honest, you can easily flag it for violation of terms and for abusing, and it will be taken care by Google’s Management Team.
  2. Interact with your local reviewer who has reviewed negatively about your service, be polite and ask where the problem arose, try to be in their shoes and understand the gravity of current situation. Speaking about local reviewers. Here are some tips to optimize your website for local search
  3. Make your interaction visible to other reviewers/public so as to provide them a sense of assured response to any other problem or dilemma in future.


  • Ways to remove bad reviews from Facebook.

Removing bad reviews from Facebook is a cinch..!! You just need to log on to your admin account and click ❌ beside the bad review (generally known as comment)  to get over with it.

  • Ways to remove bad reviews from Amazon.

Nonpareil approach consist of 2 steps in weeding out bad reviews.

  1. You should first handily check if the bad review is genuine or not, if found genuine, you should reach out to reviewer and sort out their issues with utmost patience and soft-spoken attitude, and provide them the best service again, or explain them the situation due to which the service wasn’t up to the mark, whatever the situation demands. In this case a reviewer will have 30 days to delete a feedback of your desire.
  2. If you find the review to be insincere and bogus, you should immediately contact Amazon, and people at Amazon will be deciding the fate of that review within next 90 days.


  • Ways to remove bad reviews from E-bay.

E-bay demands an open, consistent, thorough, and hassle free communication between service provider and consumer making it comparatively easier to weed out bad reviews in comparison to Google, Facebook or Amazon. If you find anything illegitimate regarding review of your services, you may reach out to the reviewer and try to make things right for them. E-bay has a system in which feedback’s are easier to change, making it hassle free through out.

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