Why you should go for custom website designing

With thousands of websites launched every day, many business owners are confused whether to spend their time, energy and money on the custom website or not as template-based are easily available and economical too. We, being in this area for a long time now can assure you that custom is the one best option if your business needs it. We understand that it’s a big investment at first but gives the best positive results in long run in terms of cost.

In this post we will give you some points which will help you understand why you should go for custom website over template-based and what are some shortcomings of the template-based website that can affect your online business.

  1. Custom designs builds business credibility

Every individual is looking or ways to save money and that’s why companies are using this as a tool for promotion and marketing of their products and services by offering ‘coupon codes’, ‘discount codes’ etc. but when you are a business owner if you try to save money by buying a template-based website, you are only doing harm. As with a website template, nothing is unique to your business. Your website is what the visitors will see and that will define whether they will stay or not so make it professional and make it count. If you want your business to stand out of crowd, website template may not be able to do it.

  1. Customized web designs minimize limitations

Custom web designs comes with no limitations where as website templates has got some limitations that cannot be removed. Website templates are a one-size-fits-all kind of thing which means that they may not be ready for all ecommerce functionalities. But with custom web designing you can you can do anything you want and how you like.

  1. Custom design creates a website that is compatible to all browsers

Not a lot of people realize this but browser compatibility is very important especially in the world where there exists a lot of web browsers and people using them. Custom website gives you browser compatibility. You will not have to worry whether your website will display properly or not. People even use the same website with different browsers, for which it is important that website works on all browsers. Some popular browsers available in the market are Google chrome, Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Safari and Opera.

  1. Unique Look and Feel

Talking about the traditional business setups, the business men used to put in a lot of efforts in the reception area, look up for the best professional person who will represent their business as the reception area is where the visitors come and decide whether to stay or not. However, today visitors see website before coming down to office, so, website has become the reception area now. If your website fails to engage your visitors they may never come to your office. Your website creates the first impression. So, website needs to be true to the nature of your business and values.

You can make sure that the first impression is the best only if you have the control over your website! There should be a perfect alignment between the the online branding and the offline one. Your website is the story of your business and if it is not engaging, its of not use. The story will only be engaging if the visitors recognize your brand in the online mode like they do in the offline mode.

  1. Template Downfalls

Template comes with various limitations like your website can look same as other hundreds of business doing completely different kind of business. With the lack of customization template use also comes with some shortcomings.

A simple concept of SEO is that if people cannot find you, no matter how pretty your website looks, it is of no use. Some templates are just not created in a way to feed the search engines. Another problem is of antiquated coding which will not let some features work around all browsers.


  1. Custom web design ensures search engine friendliness

Only a professional web can make sure that your website is search engine optimized. There is no assurance in website templates that the site will be search engine optimized. With custom website, the right CSS and HTML code ensures this.

  1. Custom web design ensures your website is personalized to your audience

Every unique business needs a unique website and control over elements and content of it. Only customer website can ensure that the content is personalized and user friendly as per the needs of the business and customers. Your website should not look like any other website at any cost but with template, websites become generic and not specific.

  1. Features and Functionality of Custom website

The best feature that comes with the custom website is that you can literally add and build anything as per your imagination and vision. That sort of control custom website gives you. You know your customers well and you know what will make them stay, you can create the best and personalized user experience for them.

You can launch site in phases or launch all at once, it is up to you and your planning. If you wan you can launch site in phases to analyze customer behavior and stay time to understand what they are interested in. you can later add these features to the website. Custom website grows as your business does.

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

And finally, SEO. Always include SEO while planning and building your custom website. You can work on SEO by having a marketing person working with you with the designing and development team. With the team you can ensure that the website is SEO friendly. SEO friendly website help you save time and money in long run and help you get a place in the SERP to generate organic traffic. This is also an opportunity to beat your competitors.

Websites play a big role in the success of a business and custom design builds the strong foundation that can help you with the growth and success.

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